- 40 hours of work
- 2 sick kids
- 4 chapters of Narnia read out loud
- 3 train tracks built
- 1 new apartment!
- 3 loads of laundry
- 5 episodes of Gilmore Girls
- 3 time outs for hitting given
- 17 subway rides
- 3 hours wandering Central Park
- 2 hours getting to and from the Hudson River to watch the Space Shuttle being brought to the museum
- 1394 (estimated) text messages about babysitting schedules and apartment stuff
- 2 bus rides
- 100 pages of Mere Christianity
- 3 puzzles
- 12 (at least) bumps and bruises kissed
- 1 good-bye to a friend for the summer
- 6 games of hide and seek
- 50 or so times I found myself singing this song. Listen to it:
And now, just a 4 hour plane ride! It will be wonderful to get away from it all for a bit.