Saturday, December 4, 2010

You Know You're From Colorado When...

I am severely directionally challenged. I'll admit, sometimes I have to look at my hands to see which one makes an "L" to distinguish my right from my left. And to add to this, I lack an internal compass. I mean, I grew up in Colorado, where, the mountains are always to the West. All my directions revolve around where the mountains are. Consequently, I have no sense of direction outside of Colorado and can get lost easily. There are several times that I've been quite confused about where I'm at. On one of my first days here I was in the car and my friend asked me, "Do you know where we are right now?" I looked around and said, "Nope, no idea."

We were not even 50 yards away from where I was staying. Wow. The building was just behind some trees. I've gotten a little better at knowing my way around now, but there are times when I have no idea of which direction home is. But don't worry, I've found a way to tell my directions that is almost as good as the mountains! Wait for prayer time. During the call to prayer (which happens 5 times a day around here) people are lined up along the sidewalks kneeling and praying towards Mecca, which I know is East from here. I am hoping that this will keep me from ending up completely lost here!


Emily S said...

LOL Leah you crack me up. Glad you found something to anchor you! Miss you!

Larisa said...

HAHAHAHA *starts crying from laughter and rolling on the floor*